
Poor dental hygiene can cost you in the long run, so neglecting your teeth could eventually put a dent in your savings.

This is because tooth decay, discoloration, and gum recession are just some of the issues which require costly procedures administered by specialized dentists and oral surgeons. The good news is cavities, enamel loss, yellowing and even receding gums in most cases are oral health issues that are preventable.

Studies have shown preventative measures and oral health habits established early in life form the best defense against deterioration, degeneration, discoloration, and damage. Let’s begin with the basics every dentist and dental hygienist can agree on.

How to Floss Your Teeth

Flossing is an important step of a healthy smile regimen that should be performed at least once a day prior to brushing your teeth.

Get the most from flossing with an informed approach! Watch this how to tutorial video to learn the recommended tips and techniques for properly flossing all of the tiny crevices between teeth.

How to Brush Your Teeth

You may be brushing your teeth all wrong, not enough or inadequately without even knowing it. Watch the quick tutorial video below to learn when, how often and how to properly brush your teeth.

The 2 minutes 2 times per day method is the technique Ottawa Public Health endorses to ensure thorough teeth brushing.

How to Brush Your Child’s Teeth

Brushing a child’s teeth can sometimes be arduous and painstaking for a parent because children have smaller mouths, they have more sensitive “baby” teeth and they tend to have more tender gums.

Watch this tutorial video created for moms, dads, and caregivers to learn how to properly, gently, and safely brush your kid’s teeth at home.

Tips for Good Dental Health

Kim Emond, a registered dental hygienist with Ottawa Public Health, walks viewers through the top oral health tips for cavity prevention, healthy gums, and more in this short explainer video.

Use these guidelines and suggestions to correct bad habits so that your teeth stay strong, pearly white, cavity-free, and healthy.